Dr. Marc DelMonico (fourth row back, right) and delegates from 15 episcopal conferences for the international meeting “Promotion & Formation of the Laity: Best Practices,” with Pope Francis, following the papal general audience of September 26, 2018. (Image credit: Servizio Fotografico Vaticano. Used with permission.)
The purpose of the meeting, sponsored by the Vatican’s Dicastery on Laity, Family and Life, was to highlight worldwide initiatives for forming the laity to live their vocational and baptismal mission in the world and in the church, and to foster mutual collaboration in promotion of these practices.

Report: “Promotion of the Vocation and Mission of the Lay Faithful in the Church of the United States” – September 2018
“Lay People Working for a New ‘Missionary Mind’” – September 27, 2018

“A Preferential Option for the Laity” – October 1, 2018
“The Good Practices in the Formation of the Lay Faithful” – September 26, 2018

“From the Americas to Asia and Beyond…the Good Practices of the Catholic Laity” – September 28, 2018
“Promotion and Formation of the Laity: Good Practices” – September 25, 2018
From the Blog

Dr. Marc DelMonico & Dr. Julia Dezelski (center), delegates of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops to the international meeting on the laity in Rome, listen with other delegates to reports from international colleagues about their work forming the laity. (Credit: Dicastery on Laity, Family and Life. Used with permission.)
Key Takeaways from the ‘Formation of the Laity: Best Practices’ Rome Conference
October 25, 2018
This concluding entry about the international meeting offers some general overviews of the unique insights garnered from the 15 reports and presentations on various aspects of formation of the laity across the globe.

Dr. Marc DelMonico responding to colleagues at the international meeting, “Promotion and Formation of the Laity: Best Practices” on September 26, 2018. Cardinal Kevin Farrell, Prefect for the Dicastery on Laity, Family and Life, which sponsored the meeting, is on the right. (Credit: Dicastery on Laity, Family and Life. Used with permission.)
U.S. & Global Practices Highlighted at the ‘Formation of the Laity: Best Practices’ Rome Conference
October 15, 2018
At the September international conference in Rome, my colleague and I, representing the USCCB, reported on best practices in the formation of lay ecclesial ministers in the work of the church and the successes of several lay movements and diocesan lay formation efforts, engaging in conversation with 40 colleagues representing episcopal conferences in 15 countries.

Delegates from 15 episcopal conferences for the international meeting “Promotion & Formation of the Laity: Best Practices,” with Pope Francis, following the papal general audience of September 26, 2018. (Image credit: Servizio Fotografico Vaticano. Used with permission.)
Meeting the Pope!: Inspiration at the ‘Formation of the Laity: Best Practices’ Rome Conference
October 5, 2018
By taking the time to both greet and speak to our group, Pope Francis affirmed the value of our meeting and its goal of identifying best practices in lay formation, including lay ministry, throughout the global church.
A Journey to Rome: ‘Formation of the Laity Best Practices’ Conference
September 23, 2018
With less than ten weeks on the job in my role at the USCCB as Assistant Director of Certification for Ecclesial Ministry and Service, and in the midst of the anger and frustration swirling anew around the horrible abuse of children by clergy and evidence of cover ups, I was asked to participate and co-present with a colleague at a first-of-its-kind meeting on formation of the laity in Rome.