
Dr. Marc DelMonico is a published, peer-reviewed author and has worked in a wide array of media. This page provides details on his publications, videos and related projects. To see older publications and projects, click on the page numbers at the bottom.

Professional Lay Ministry Standards: Developments, Challenges and Opportunities

Professional Lay Ministry Standards: Developments, Challenges and Opportunities

In 2023, there have been significant developments within the national Catholic Church related to professional standards and competencies in support of lay ministry.

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Video Portfolio: Catholic Prison Ministries Coalition

Video Portfolio: Catholic Prison Ministries Coalition

At the USCCB, I worked with representatives from two other national organizations to produce a series of testimonial videos about Catholic prison ministers.

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Video Portfolio: USCCB Subcommittee Certification for Ecclesial Ministry & Service

Video Portfolio: USCCB Subcommittee Certification for Ecclesial Ministry & Service

In 2019, my office organized a wide-ranging conversation about the importance of lay ministry and ministry formation with the Chairman of the USCCB Subcommittee on Certification for Ecclesial Ministry and Service, Most. Rev. Gerald Kicanas, Bishop emeritus of Tucson,...

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Webinar: Co-Responsibility & Conflict Management – Some Resources for Ministers

Webinar: Co-Responsibility & Conflict Management – Some Resources for Ministers

In 2020 I presented on conflict management skills for ministers developed by theologian Dr. Ann Garrido of Aquinas Institute in a webinar for the Catholic Apostolate Center.

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Theological Inquiry and Leadership in a ‘Post-Truth’ Era: Insights from Blessed Oscar Romero

Theological Inquiry and Leadership in a ‘Post-Truth’ Era: Insights from Blessed Oscar Romero

My essay from 2018 examines some ways in which then-Blessed (now Saint) Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador confronted 'post-truth' political and cultural forces in his ministry and examines insights that can be garnered for confronting similar social discourse today.

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Request Marc’s Services

Request Dr. DelMonico's professional services for a liturgical, ministerial or leadership consultation, or for an academic or public presentation. Contact Marc here.