
Reflections and reputable resources for assisting Catholic ministers – clergy and laity – for engaging and planning ongoing responses to the pandemic.

Practical information and theological reflections from Dr. Marc DelMonico and other Catholic ministry consultants and ministry leaders.

[Archive] Strategic Ministry Resources

My regular outreach and communication with national Catholic ministry organizations has helped to identify good resources that may be helpful in addressing some of the pastoral, strategic and financial challenges we face. The usual caveat applies: Resources which contain legal or financial advice should not be construed as being offered by me and should be further discussed with appropriate parish, diocesan or organizational lawyers or financial consultants who are capable in such matters. While these resources have a Catholic focus, they may be helpful for Christians of all denominations.

From the Blog

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If you would like to request Dr. DelMonico’s professional services for a virtual ministerial consultation on best practices during the pandemic, or another academic or virtual public presentation please send a message here.