
Date: 2016-2018

The Conference of Major Superiors of Men (CMSM) is an association of the leadership of men in Roman Catholic religious and apostolic institutes in the United States. CMSM addresses the life and concerns of religious and communities of apostolic life in the United States, including their evangelizing mission in the context of Church and culture. CMSM is both a voice for major Superiors and a service to them.

CMSM has consulted with me in a collaborative theological and pastoral research project aimed at developing a resource to assist the leadership of those religious communities who are a part of its membership. This project involves direct engagement with a number of theological and ministerial experts on diverse issues and a strategic process of codifying information into a useable and friendly document for dissemination to the members.

I have also coordinated efforts with them related to the launch of a new website in Fall 2016 and assisted in coordinated digital communication with their members and associated persons and organizations, including via social media.

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