Reflections on the Word: Saturday of the Ninth Week in Ordinary Time – June 6, 2020
Persistence in proclaiming the word – the core – the kerygma – of the Gospel message is a theme that is discussed and then demonstrated in today’s readings.
Ministry Amid Covid-19: “Choose What Matters”
As our communities prayerfully move forward we know that Church will not be the same. We have an unprecedented chance to examine best practices and consider how our theological reflection interacts with our lived practices and planning.
No ‘Back to Normal’: Easter Ministry Amid Covid-19
In the wake of the devastating human and financial impacts of the pandemic on our churches and ministries, the Risen Christ calls us to a “new normal.”
Crowdsourced Ministry Resources for Covid-19
In the coming weeks, I’ll be sharing practical and reflective resources here as small parts of the great thinking being done in the whole Church about how to both weather the storm and to build towards a “new normal.” First, is a crowdsourced set of resources for pastoral, strategic and financial guidance.