
Dr. Marc DelMonico is a published, peer-reviewed author and has worked in a wide array of media. This page provides details on his publications, videos and related projects. To see older publications and projects, click on the page numbers at the bottom.

‘Before God and the Church: Parish Based Preparation of the Wedding Liturgy’

In this peer-reviewed article, I discuss how catechesis, preparation, and celebration of the wedding liturgy can be incorporated into an RCIA-like format. However, in addition to the three stages of preparation that match the three pre-initiation stages of the RCIA, I add a fourth post-wedding experience. It is analogous to the RCIA's mystagogy. I call it "continuing ministry." These four stages can constitute an integral, parish-based approach, not only to preparation for the marriage itself, but preparation for the wedding liturgy as well.

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‘The Spirit of Selma’

A short reflective article on my work with The Faith & Politics Institute’s 2004 Congressional Civil Rights Pilgrimage and its theological and spiritual meaning in light of the civil rights struggle of the 1960s.

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‘Sunday Worship in the Absence of Discernment: The Challenge of Non-Eucharistic Sunday Services’

This peer-reviewed article was chosen for New Theology Review's annual Award for Theological Reflection. It address the theological issues associated with the increasingly common practice of "Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest" (SCAP) among Catholic Churches that do not have a resident priest pastor.

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Request Dr. DelMonico's professional services for a liturgical, ministerial or leadership consultation, or for an academic or public presentation. Contact Marc here.